The fate of our nation is very unclear. Elections are becoming partisan conflicts. Politics are increasingly polarizing, the media bias controls so much of the narrative regarding the state of the nation. When viewed through the scope of Christian Values the facts are evident. However, it seems that much of the country has strayed from this viewpoint. We are not a large organization, we are from a rural area in Kentucky. To put it simply America In God We Trust is the hope of a family operated trucking company to shed light on the dangerous path our Country is on. We don’t want anything from anyone other than a few minutes of time and consideration. America is failing economically, the rest of the world sees us as a fallen nation, and it will land upon the shoulders of our children and grandchildren to carry the burden our government is creating.

Politics are a hot topic. The nature of a political campaign can be off putting for many Christian people. It is paramount that we do not shy away from this. The power to enact change lies within the hands of the American voter. It is more important now than ever that we remain dogged in our convictions and that we employ our power as voters to change the trajectory we are on. We hope that our message is not misconstrued as political propaganda, but is instead viewed as it is intended. Viewed as an outlet to highlight the shortcomings of those in office and to ignite the desire to create a future for our children that better aligns with Christian values. We appreciate everyone’s time and consideration, and we hope that if anything in our message appeals to you that you share it with someone else.

Thank you and God Bless.